Category: Grooming Benefits

Fun Spring Activities to Do with Your Dog

Camping with your dog this Spring

As Spring starts to approach, it’s always a good idea to think about fun activities to do with your dog once the warmer weather starts to roll around. Since we’ve been suffering through the colder weather this winter, we’re all looking forward to heading outside with our dogs to get some much-needed fresh air and… Read more »

Fun Things to Do with Your Dog this Fall Season

The Fall season is right around the corner, which means there are different activities to choose from when it comes to bonding with your dog. One of the best things about the Fall season is the weather, for many of us. When Fall rolls around, we always try and think of new activities to do… Read more »

Paw Maintenance for Your Dog

Keep Your Dog’s Paws Safe

Whether they are running, playing, or climbing up to take a seat next to you, our pets are on their feet quite a bit. It’s important that we do what we can to make sure their paws don’t become a source of irritation for them. Take Care Of Your Dog’s Paws Trim Nails and Fur A… Read more »

Professional Dog Grooming vs DIY

When it comes to the health of a dog, it’s essential to have them groomed on a regular basis. Whether that is at-home grooming or having them groomed by a professional, grooming will provide protection against ticks and fleas, and will give the dog the clean appearance we all love. Whichever dog grooming method you… Read more »

Keep Your Dog Relaxed at the Groomer

Professional dog grooming

Bringing your dog to a professional groomer is extremely important for the health and hygiene of your dog. Many dog owners get a little nervous because they’re not sure how their dog will behave when getting groomed. If you have been bringing your dog to the groomer regularly, then you probably have the routine down…. Read more »

Should I Let My Dog Sleep in My Bed?

Allowing dog to share bed

Many dog owners ask themselves this question over and over when they get a dog. At first, it seems alright because it is enjoyable to have your dog next to you in bed, but it isn’t always the healthiest thing to allow your dog to do. There are many consequences to allowing your dog to… Read more »

Quick Grooming Tips if You Can’t Get to the Dog Groomer

Bath time for your dog

We encourage everyone to bring their dog to the pet groomer on the regular, but if you can’t make it too often, it’s important to make sure you’re still providing the necessary grooming that your dog needs. Dogs need to be healthy and taken care of just like humans do, so if you don’t have… Read more »

Take Your Dog to the Dog Park this Year

Dog parks benefit dogs

Weather is changing to springtime, which means many of us will be getting outside to enjoy the nicer weather. For us dog owners, it’s important that we’re always taking our dogs on walks and getting them outside for some exercise. Dog parks are a great place to take your dog when the weather gets warmer… Read more »

Grooming Your pet During COVID-19 Pandemic

Pet grooming for health benefits

The past year has been a challenge for many people around the globe. We could get into all the devastation it has caused us, but we don’t want to keep harping on the negatives. We all need positive vibes moving forward, but also some advice on challenges we may be faced with. When it comes… Read more »

Working from Home with Your Dog

French Bulldog sitting near front door

Working from home has been a very common thing these days. Obviously, 2020 has brought us a devastating pandemic for many, which has forced companies to operate from the comfort of their own homes. If you have a dog, it can be a difficult time to work, as well as entertain them. Most dogs will… Read more »