Why It’s Important for Doggy Playdates

Dog playdate

Your dog’s social life is incredibly important for their development. When cooped up in the house with no socialization with other dogs, they may become uneasy around other dogs when introduced. It’s vital to start with some playdates early on, so they get accustomed to being around others.

Dog playdateDevelopment and Behavior

Incorporating playdates in your dog’s life will help them develop good behavior skills around other dogs and even humans. They’ll get used to being around other dogs and people, so when you’re walking down the street, there will be a friendly behavior around neighbors and their dogs.

The trick is to have regular playdates, rather than once in a while. This will allow them to get used to the socialization. If you’re only taking them here and there, they’ll feel stressed and anxious with other dogs. They’ll never get used to the idea. This will hinder their time to have fun.

Your Dog Deserves it

Having a dog is amazing because they get to know you and you get to know them. They are by your side in your home, so they’re always looking up to you for care and food. They deserve to get out, walk, exercise, and have playdates with other dogs. They can get anxious and cooped up living in a home, so getting them out to explore and meet others is important for their behavior and health.

Healthy Life

Everyone knows exercise is important to a healthy life. Walking and getting out of your home is good for your mental health as well. Dogs need exercise because they can build up so much energy in the house. If you don’t allow them to release their energy outside at a park or on a playdate, it will reflect their behavior in the home. It also tires them out, so when you’re both relaxing after dinner on the couch, they won’t be bugging you to play tug of war.

D Tails Grooming

Here at D Tails Grooming, we offer quality pet boarding and playdates for your dogs. Contact D Tails Grooming at 706-731-0089 to learn more about our dedicated staff and what we have to offer for your pet.


The Routine Grooming Needs of Poodles

Grooming a Poodle

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Things to Look For in a Dog Play Facility

Dog Play Facilities

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How Groomers Are Able to Keep Dogs Still

Dog Groomer

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Factors That Affect How Often You Should Bathe Your Dog

Bathing Your Dog

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Reasons to Board Your Dog When You’re Away

Dog Boarding

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Do Short Haired Dogs Need Grooming?

Short Haired Dogs

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Dog Grooming Myths to Ignore

Dog Grooming Myths

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